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This section is a general overview of the risks when using DeFi technologies and the Neptune protocol and the tradeoffs that are considered when designing a robust yet capital-efficient system.

Those who interact with the Neptune protocol are urged to proceed with caution as the technology is experimental and in an early stage of development.


Smart contract Audits are found below.

Technical Audit (Official Oak Report)

Token Listing Framework

Token Listing Frameworks are to be released for each listing type.


The SafeGuard is one or more individuals or entities elected to combat risks that require immediate action such as, smart contract bugs or exploits, oracle price faults, criminal activity, governance attacks, and more.

SafeGuard Controls

The SafeGuard can only trigger a limited number of SafeGuard Controls to prevent certain activities that could cause, or are causing, harm to the protocol. These actions could serve as immediate emergency measures, or minor precautions for temporary periods.


Neptune Smart Contracts operate on the Injective blockchain and offer non-custodial access to automated smart contract services. The Neptune App and Smart Contracts have been independently audited by Oak Security and are offered as-is with no warranties or guarantees of any kind.

All users who access the Neptune Application and/or Smart Contracts understand the inherent high risk of using blockchain-enabled platforms and acknowledge with full disclaimer all the persons or entities mentioned within this documentation who are in any way directly or indirectly connected to the Neptune Platform. No party assumes any responsibility or liability for damage suffered which could include loss of tokens.

The Neptune Foundation and contracted teams have no obligation to amend, update, or supplement the available content at any time. If the Neptune project were to fail, there should be no expectation of updates.

The Neptune Platform is not accessible to prohibited persons, including residents of Barbados, Belarus, Bulgaria, Burkina Faso, Canada, Cameroon, Cuba, Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea), Democratic Republic of the Congo, Croatia, Gibraltar, Haiti, Iraq, Iran, Côte d'Ivoire (Ivory Coast), Jamaica, Liberia, Mali, Mozambique, Myanmar (Burma), Russia, Senegal, South Africa, South Sudan, Sudan, Syria, Tanzania, Uganda, United States, Vietnam, Yemen, Zimbabwe, and any other jurisdiction where the Neptune Finance protocol may be prohibited.

The front-end application and website are owned and managed independently of the Neptune contracts and by using the Neptune App you acknowledge you are using experimental software enabled by Neptune Smart Contracts that result in irreversible transactions.

Terminology used in this documentation or on the Neptune Platform are offered for reference only and do not represent any legal standing of terms used in a regulated financial environment. Nothing in this agreement or in using the Neptune Platform should be interpreted as a contract, investment contract or contractual agreement of any kind. This is not an invitation to use Neptune in any way and any and all access is to be undertaken at your own risk. The content is subject to change without notice.

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